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Tourism in Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is the lowest point in the world above sea level. It is the most beautiful tourist destination ever in Jordan, which attracts tourists from all over the world for recreational and medical tourism as well. The region is distinguished by the beauty of its beaches and clean waters. The water of the Dead Sea is famous for its extreme salinity and its richness in various salts and minerals such as sodium, potassium, bromine and manganese salts, in addition to the famous Dead Sea mud, which is an ideal treatment for the skin and for many diseases, which made the region the best place for medical tourism at all. Tourism in the Dead Sea is also encouraged by the ease of swimming in it due to the high salinity of the water, which enables you to swim if you are not good at it, the water will carry you without any effort from you. The area offers the best resorts, luxury hotels and various entertainment venues that are spread on the beach, which make tourism in the Dead Sea very comfortable and enjoyable.